Patient Information

Call Now! For information & appointments at all clinics. 720-443-2420 English or 720-443-2166 Español

Click here for our Appointment FAQ page

How to Schedule an Evaluation with us:


Call 720-443-2420 to schedule your appointment.


Click here to Register online
Forms can be submitted through our HIPAA-compliant link


New-to-clinic patients will need records from a previous care provider.

  • Medical records include:
    • A paper record, CD, fax, or email from a previous doctor, hospital, health clinic, lab test, chiropractor, nurse practitioner, physicians assistant, dentist, orthodontist, optometrist, massage therapist, physical therapist, mental health professional, addiction counselor, social worker, or other health care service.
    • A pill bottle or other packaging with your name from a prescription medication you’re taking now or have taken in the past. For patients seeking to quit prescription drugs, an unfilled prescription written for you.
    • A deformity or scar on your body from an illness, injury, surgery, or medical procedure. (We call these “permanent medical records”.)
    • A previous Medical Marijuana card or Provider’s Certification from a different clinic
    • Previous Healthy Choices Unlimited patients do not need to bring medical records.  We already have yours.
  • Patients new to our clinic who do not have medical records can opt to pay for a telemedicine diagnosis from one of our doctors separate from the Medical Marijuana evaluation to fulfil the records requirement.


Visit our doctors and staff at one of our clinics.

If you’re approved, you’ll get help with the registration process and instructions on how to print or download the official card in 3 business days.  Qualified new patients can also get a temporary license to begin treatment right away.

If you cannot fill out the online forms, Click Here HCU_Patient_FormsTopBar_2019-July to download and print the forms. Fill them out, and scan and email to or bring them in for your visit.

Our Privacy Policy can be found Here  Privacy_POlicy_HCU

New to Clinic Patients can download the New Patient Success Guide

Warning – large file. Our 20-page full-color booklet shows the forms of cannabis available in Colorado, how long before they take effect in the body, and how long the effect lasts. Pages 12-13 give instructions for starting doses and safely finding your dose.

Optional State pre-registration: to pre-register online with the Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry. After your doctor visit, the doctor will enter your Physicians Certification into the system for you to attach to your application and complete the process. Click here for State Registry instructions

If you do not use email or do not have Internet access, the paper CDPHE Printable Forms Packet Adult

If you are applying for a card for your minor child, there are some extra forms. If you are seeing us online, we will email you the list of extra documentation during the visit. It includes a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate, IDs for any parents listed on the Birth Certificate, and the Parental Consent Form.  Link to the paper forms is here CPDHE Printable Forms Packet Under 18

Note that the name of the dispensary you use is no longer listed on CDPHE Forms. You now sign a letter agreement at your dispensary to join as a member. Dispensaries are NOT considered Caregivers. Caregivers are individuals who grow medical marijuana on behalf of patients who cannot go to a dispensary.

Caregivers must register for a Caregiver Identification number. Caregivers are people who do one or more of the following: 1. Grow medical marijuana for a patient 2. Advise patients in the use of medical marijuana 3. Transport medical marijuana from a dispensary to a patient who cannot leave home 4. Register a grow site on behalf of a patient.  To Register as Caregiver by mail use the Caregiver Registration By Mail Form. To apply online Caregivers click here to Apply Online

For more information on the State registry forms, go to the Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry Home Page