• New to Clinic – Complete Medical Cannabis Evaluation   $225

    • Includes: Evaluation with a doctor or nurse practitioner; patient education on cannabis with advice on use; assistance registering in the Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry System including the state application fee.  Expect to be at the clinic for at least 1 hour.
    • Bring your Colorado ID or Drivers License.  Paper temporary from DMV works, too.  You can also use an out of state ID or passport if you are planning to get a Colorado ID / DL within the next 60 days.
    • Bring a cell phone you can receive an email on, if you have one. 
    • Medical records or previous Medical Marijuana Registry card. Medical records include:
      • A paper record, CD, fax, or email from a previous doctor, hospital, health clinic, lab test, chiropractor, nurse practitioner, physicians assistant, dentist, orthodontist, optometrist, massage therapist, physical therapist, mental health professional, addiction counselor, social worker, or other health care service.
      • A pill bottle or other packaging with your name from a prescription medication you’re taking now or have taken in the past. For patients seeking to quit prescription drugs, an unfilled prescription written for you also works.
      • A deformity or scar on your body. Can be congenital or from an illness, injury, surgery, or medical procedure. (We call these “permanent medical records”)
      • A previous Medical Marijuana card from any state or Provider’s Certification from a different clinic.
      • Patients new to our clinic who do not have medical records – Dr will determine during the visit if they need another opinion to diagnose you. If so, you can opt to pay for a telemedicine diagnosis from one of our group of doctors separate from the Medical Marijuana evaluation to fulfil the records requirement. (This is rarely needed – our doctors are professionals and are legally allowed to diagnose patients themselves.)
  • Returning HCU Patient – Complete Medical Cannabis Renewal   $200 after

    • Includes: Evaluation with a doctor or nurse practitioner; advice on use if desired or if new issue since last visit; assistance registering in the Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry System including the state application fee. Expect to be at the clinic for at about 1 hour.
    • Bring your Colorado ID or Drivers License.  Paper temporary from DMV works, too.
    • Bring a cell phone you can receive an email on, if you have one. 
    • Returning patients do not need medical records – we already have yours.
  • Under Age 21 – Doctor Medical Cannabis Evaluation Only  $150

    • Includes: Evaluation with a doctor or nurse practitioner; patient education on cannabis with advice on use; notary service for under age 18 Parental Consent form or upload service for 2nd Provider Certification through secure state email.  Expect to be at the clinic for at about 1 hour.
    • Under age 18: Bring at least one parent with a Colorado ID or drivers license and birth certificate for child.
    • Age 18-20: Bring your Colorado ID or drivers license. Paper temporary from DMV works, too.  You can also use an out of state ID or passport if you are planning to get a Colorado ID / DL within the next 60 days.
    • Medical records: See list above under New to Clinic – Complete.
  • Complete Application Assistance Package Only $80 after

    •  Saw a doctor at a different clinic and now bewildered as to next steps? We are here to help.
    • Includes: assistance registering in the Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry System including the state application fee.  Expect to be at the clinic for at least 15-20 minutes.
    • Bring your Colorado ID or drivers license. Paper temporary from DMV works, too.
    • Bring a cell phone you can receive an email on, if you have one. 
  • Increased / Extended Plant Count Documentation Administrative fee  $50

    • Increased grow limit up to 24 plants. Carrying weight 8 to 12 ounces. For home-growers, transporting Caregivers, patients with Caregivers growing for them, and/or to benefit your dispensary.
  • Letter verifying, allowing, or approving Medical Marijuana use for HCU patients $25

    • Verifies medical cannabis use for:
      • On Probation
      • Involved in divorce, CPS, or child custody cases
      • In the legal system for other reasons
      • Reasonable accommodation for housing, on-campus, or school use
      • Letter for employer or employment on-boarding documentation